Every year around the same time, I get that hope-it-won’t-be-winter feeling. By the end of February at the latest, I’m fed up with the eternal gloom outside in nature. Here in Reichenbach, five company lambs are already jumping around in the meadows around the factory. Spring is our undisputed favorite time of year, because everything changes into something even more beautiful… And in times like these, that’s almost a reason to celebrate.

Now we’re bringing spring to the table and a smile to our faces with these sweet delicacies.

A cup is not always just for drinking. It’s not just the youngest coffee guests who are delighted when a cake or dessert is served in a handy and pretty cup.
…Whether with or without a handle, with a gold rim, with a silver rim, colored, white or even black – we make it to match your interior style.

We have vases in countless beautiful shapes and designs. Today we have a more unusual variant for you:
Not only at Easter: a gift is ALWAYS well received! With us, the packaging definitely lasts longer than the contents 😍:
Psst…and for all Easter bunnies/Easter bunnies/egg hiders…on 6. and April 7, 2024 our Day of Thuringian Porcelain takes place! There you will find all the ideas presented and many more beautiful things! More information on the website,
We look forward to seeing you